The brief descriptions below cover some of the key standards taught to each age group


  • Recognizing numbers and letters
  • Exploring textures, colors, and shapes
  • Communicating with friends
  • Following instructions
  • Introduction to name recognition
  • Age-appropriate fine and gross motor skills 


  • Recognizing name
  • Letter recognition
  • Counting with 1 to 1 correspondence
  • Writing first name
  • Number recognition
  • Color and shape recognition
  • Working with scissors and glue
  • Age appropriate fine and gross motor skills


  • Writing first name and begin writing last name
  • Patterning
  • Counting to 10 with 1 to 1 correspondence
  • Letter recognition both upper and lower case
  • Cutting with scissors and using glue
  • Independence (self-care) skills
  • Age-appropriate fine and gross motor skills
  • Letter sounds​


Early Discovery Learning Academy

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